Saturday, July 12, 2008

Letting Go shot list

Hey guys,

After some great advice from my mentor at Disney, I now have the shot list I should have had back in Concept Development class. My mentor made some changes to all three acts of the film to make things read clearly. He also gave me a wonderful ending, which is awesome since my ending was discombobulated and crappy. If I keep all of these shots I'll have to finish three shots a week. I'm not too sure about that since I'm at work all day.

If there are any shots that you feel can be cut or reduced in some way, please let me know!!!!!!!!

Letting Go Shot List

1. Establishing vertical pan down to Larry’s front door. POS: Establish where we are. No Anim. (done)

2. LS Horizontal pan through Larry’s disheveled house. POS: Show how Larry’s grief has caused him to stop caring about the upkeep of his home. No Anim.

3. LS Larry sits at his bedroom table looking frail. POS: Introduce Larry and his state of being. Very little to no anim.

4. MS Larry’s looking down at his wife’s wedding ring and sadly looks up to the picture of them on their wedding day. POS: Establish that it’s his wife’s ring.

5. CU Larry puts the ring in the box and lowers the lid. POS: Clearly show the ring’s new position.

6. MS: Larry gets up and leaves the room. POS: Establish that he’s no longer in the room.

7. LS Larry trudges out into the living room and dozes off. (wip)

8. ECU Larry’s eyes POS: begin dream sequence. (done)

9. MS Larry and his wife are having fun at a carnival. Fade to white. No Anim

10. MS Larry’s at his wife’s hospital bed. It turns out she has pneumonia. Fade to white. No Anim. (done but want to redo)

11. LS Larry visits his wife’s grave. It’s under a small weeping willow sapling. Fade to white and end animation-less montage. (done but want to redo)

12. ECU A crashing sound startles Larry from his memories. (done)

13. MS Larry’s disoriented and confused from the jolt back into the real world. Another crash helps him remember where he is. Larry gets up and goes to investigate the sound.

14. LS The thief hulks in the foreground. He hears Larry coming and takes off. Larry enters the doorway a moment later. (wip)

15. LS(Over the shoulder) Larry sees the thief’s tail disappear out the broken window. He looks over to the jewelry box. Very little anim.

16. CU The jewelry box is broken and empty. No Anim. (done)

17. MS Larry is horrified and runs to the window.

18. MS Larry squints as he looks out into the woods sadly. He realizes he’s in the light and steps back into the shadows.

19. LS Larry sulks for a bit within his gloom before deciding to go after the ring. He runs for the window and jumps out.

20. CU The thief’s feet tear through the grass with Larry a bit behind him POS: Establish how close Larry is to catching the thief. (done)

21. LS The thief comes to a dead end. In a ditch effort to save himself, he throws the ring into the nearby lake.

22. LS Larry spots the ring as it falls into the water and changes course immediately. He dives into the lake. (done)

23. LS He drags himself out of the water. Larry lifts his hand to look at the ring. (wip)

24. ECU Larry’s hand opens to reveal his wife’s dirty ring. Very little anim.

25. MS Relieved, Larry proceeds to wipe the ring off. The sound of happily twittering birds interrupts him. He looks up and realizes for the first time that he’s actually outside.

26. LS Pan of the wonderful outside world. Stop at the weeping willow. No Anim.

27. MS There’s something familiar about that tree, but Larry can’t place it. He goes closer to get a better look.

28. ECU Larry pulls back the leaves to reveal his wife’s grave beneath the branches. Very little anim.

29. LS Larry approaches the grave, in awe at the size of the surrounding tree. Has it really been that long?

30. MS Zoom in on grave as Larry approaches it. Allow time for its inscription to be read, as if Larry is reading it. No Anim.

31. MS Larry smiles fondly at what he’s read. He looks down at his wife’s ring and tenderly places it on top of the grave. Larry notices his own ring as he brings his hand back. He considers it for a moment, before sliding it off. He reaches forward to place it on the grave.

32. CU Larry gently places his ring beside his wife’s. He waits a moment before slowly turning to leave. The camera zooms in on the rings slightly as his shadow moves away from the grave, indicating that he’s leaving.

33. LS Larry emerges from the willow tree. He takes a deep breath, smiles and walks down the sunny path before him.

The End

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