Friday, February 22, 2008

It's That Time

That's right, it's internship time! Pixar is already accepting reels for their program so I need to re-render my Scare Tactics shots asap. I wont be applying for Dreamworks Outreach program since I'm still not finished at SCAD. I have yet to hear back from Disney about their talent development program, but I'm going to apply for their internship program if they're still having it. I'm also going to look into Sony's internship program as well. I checked the R&H website and it looks like they wont be having interns this year. I hope Disney hasn't stopped as well or else I'll only have two studios to apply to.

I hope I'll get in this time, especially since this is my last chance to apply for internships. This time next year I'll be looking at apprenticeships. =D

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